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DOIT Survey - Representational Diversity (RD)

Thank you for contributing to research about institutional transformation at your school.

Your responses will be aggregated with other institutions and used to explore national progress regarding the nature of each subject. Institutional reviews will  be conducted for purposes of showcasing institutions that perform at higher/transformative diversity paradigms (intentional and pervasive practices, mechanisms, and behaviors). Results will be made public as well as a full listing of all institutions invited to take part in the study. Scores achieved will be individually provided. Only institutions receiving higher scores will become part of the CoopLew/Diverse national showcase. Institutions receiving higher scores  may be requested to provide evidence for any IPT component. Failure to provide proof as requested will eliminate the institution from the national showcase.

Study Objectives
  • Set IPT national benchmarks for institutions that prompt appropriate review of components related to overall IPT criteria for excellence.
  • Illuminate IPT variations among institutions for purposes of establishing a national performance scorecard.
  • Advance literature about university commitments to diversity and the practice of stratifying data for targeted emphasis on components of university infrastructures and the advancement of underrepresented senior-level diversity professionals.
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6. Institution Type *This question is required.
7. Accredited *This question is required.